The Beauty of Blood Flow
What would it be like to breathe yourself into your own body? To flow with the out-breath of trees into your own branching lungs and journey deep into a breathing cell.

What would it be like to breathe yourself into your own body? To flow with the out-breath of trees into your own lungs and journey deep into a breathing cell. We asked this question about four years ago and like much of our work, the starting point of this journey was scientific observation. We were very fortunate to have found Fraunhofer MEVIS, who work with artists like ourselves and we embarked on a collaboration that resulted in a series of artworks.
This short film is a behind-the-scenes look into the collaboration with all its mind-boggling details and we thank the amazing team at Fraunhofer MEVIS for their creative and technical attention to detail on this journey.

Fraunhofer MEVIS Team
Matthias Günther, Bianka Hofmann, Alexander Köhn, supported by David Black, Christiane Engel, Anja Hennemuth, Valentin Kraft, Mathias Neugebauer, Sabrina Tölken (née Haase), with a special thanks to Jochen Hirsch concerning the medical image acquisition.

RAW Science – Industry Award for Best Animation